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Nutrition Consulting + Coaching

Flexible Dieting

Blog categorized as Flexible Dieting

How to Calculate Your Macros and Calories for Weight-Loss

26.12.22 10:15 PM By Alisa Via-Reque - Comment(s)
How to Calculate Your Macros and Calories for Weight-Loss
Learn how to estimate your weight-loss calorie needs and what to consider when it comes to determining what percentage of your calories you should allocate toward protein, carbs, and fat. Also, don't forget about fiber. I teach you how to calculate that too!

Intuitive Eating versus Flexible Dieting (Macro Tracking)

29.07.21 09:00 PM By Alisa Via-Reque - Comment(s)
Intuitive Eating versus Flexible Dieting (Macro Tracking)
Can intuitive eating and traditional approaches to weight-management co-exist? Discover the pros and cons of both intuitive eating versus flexible dieting (aka macro counting) and find out which one best suits you based on your personality, goals, and history with dieting.